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About the Journal

ISORI KAMPAR: Indonesian Sport & Physical Scientist Association Journal is a scientific journal published by the Indonesian Sports Scholars Association. This journal focuses on publishing scientific articles in sports science, physical education, physical activity, sport law, politics and history, sports management, sports nutrition, sport tourism and recreation, sport therapy and Rehabilitation and sports health. ISORI KAMPAR Journal is published periodically and reviewed by experts and practitioners in the field of Sports, so that the quality and accuracy of the articles published in it are guaranteed.

ISORI KAMPAR Journal is one of the leading scientific publications in Indonesia in the field of sports and is recognized nationally and internationally.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 01 (2024): July
					View Vol. 1 No. 01 (2024): July

ISORI KAMPAR: Indonesian Sport & Physical Scientist Association Journal is a scientific journal published by the Indonesian Sports Scholars Association. This journal focuses on publishing scientific articles in sports science, physical education, physical activity, sport law, politics and history, sports management, sports nutrition, sport tourism and recreation, sport therapy and Rehabilitation and sports health. 

Published: 2024-07-30

Original Research

  • Pengaruh Latihan Skiping terhadap Keterampilan Lompat Jauh pada Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas: Sebuah Studi Eksperimental

    Handika Prayoga Putra (Author)
  • Peningkatan Hasil Pembelajaran dan Motivasi Dalam Pembelajaran Gerak Dasar Atletik (Lompat Jauh) dengan Metode Bermain Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

    Khairul Zikri, Herli Pardilla (Author)
  • Pengaruh Modifikasi Latihan pada Teknik Tendangan Sabit pada Atlet Pencak Silat

    Sri Rezeki Amelia, Raffly Henjilito (Author)
  • Pengembangan Model Permainan untuk Mengajar Teknik Dasar Bola Basket di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kota Medan

    Muhammad Taufik Saputra, Muhammad Wisnu (Author)
  • Pengaruh Latihan Shuttle Run dan Lari Zig-Zag Terhadap Keterampilan Dribbling dalam Permainan Bola Basket pada Siswa SMP

    Susan Lumbangaol, Mawardinur Mawardinur (Author)

Community Service Report

  • Penataran dan Pelatihan Wasit Bulu Tangkis Tingkat Kabupaten / Kota Se-Provinsi Riau PBSI Kabupaten Kampar Dan Universitas Pahlawan

    Jufrianis, Elfera Rizky, Vigi Indah Permatha Sari, Herli Pardilla (Author)
View All Issues
Journal title         : ISORI KAMPAR: Indonesian Sport & Physical Scientist Association Journal
Subject                 : All science about sports
Publisher             : ISORI KAMPAR: Ikatan Sarjana Olahraga Republik Indonesia
Language            : English (preferred), Indonesia.
Frequency           : 3 issues per year (March, July and November)
Editor In Chief    : Dr. Herli Pardilla, M.Pd
DOI                       :
Citation Analysis: Google Scholar and Dimensions
Frequency           : January & August